Friday, May 1, 2009

It Will Change Your Life

I have been on 2 mission trips in my life.
Both were amazing. And life changing.
My first trip was to Mexico because how can you not go on a mission trip south of the border when you live in freaking San Antonio, Texas. It was a great first experience! One of the things that sticks out in my mind is how much FUN we had. We went to an orphanage and basically played with the kids for the weekend. I may not have realized it then but that trip made an impact on my life. I can only hope that I did the same for those children that are probably adults by now.
Fast forward about 3 1/2 years.
I was about to graduate from high school and take a trip to Europe with some friends to celebrate. Only God had a different plan. About half way through planning for The Big Trip, I realized that I did not have a peace about going to Europe. Instead, I felt led to go on a mission trip. I was so nervous about telling my parents because we had spent some money in advance for what I will now call The Other Trip. Turns out, the parental unit was on the same page.
And then I told them that I would love to go on said mission trip with my sister Brittany.
This was monumental back then. Let's be honest. I think we all know at least one 18 year old and the havoc they wreak with all of their "wants, needs, and plans." Ok, maybe they're not all that bad but it's a painful age. For everyone involved.
So it was settled. Brittany and I would leave for Haiti a week after my high school graduation. We went to meetings, gathered the ugliest skirts and such to pack, and planned what snacks we would take. Angels sang and babies laughed when our bags stayed under the size and weight limit.
Or maybe it was just my mom singing and my dad laughing. I'm not really sure.
Anyway, we boarded the plane with our team and headed to a place where people are not strangers to poverty.
Ok, and now I'm going to be real with you. I was still nervous. And homesick. And scared.
The only thing that made this trip a little easier was the fact that my sister was with me. And like it or not, we were in it together for the "dur," as I like to say. Luckily we are very close and there is no one else I'd rather have by my side in a foreign country. Well, I'd be good with family and a few close friends too, but they weren't on the trip with us.
I am not lying when I say that trip changed MY LIFE! Truly. My team changed my life. The people changed my life. GOD changed my life.
I have never had more fun, been more scared, or more tested IN MY LIFE! {And now I'm going to dial down the all caps and exclamation points because you're all smart people. I'm pretty sure you get the point.}
I saw God move and made some of the best memories. Even though the trip did not go as planned for me and Britt, we both left Haiti changed and stronger than we'd been when we first stepped foot in that country.
So why am I telling you all of this? That would be because I've been following a group of bloggers that took a mission trip to India this week with Compassion International. Pete, Melissa, and Angie are the team members I've been keeping up with via their blogs. Their stories and descriptions of what they've seen are beyond moving. Not to mention the fact that their pictures will rip your heart out.
No really. They will.
I don't even know what to say other than I have never seen such joy, hope, love, sadness, poverty, and desperation. And that's just from looking at their pictures. The faces of those children have stolen my heart and the love most of them have for Jesus has moved me to tears. I really don't have words for how much a little afternoon reading has opened my eyes. And that's big. Just ask Luke. He'll tell you that I'm rarely rendered speechless. The really cool thing about this trip, though, is that most of these team members got to meet the children they sponsor. Can you even imagine? Some of these children traveled 48 hours just to hug the person God has used to change their life.
It's moving, people. Very moving. Just try not to bawl your eyes out when you read about the day and look at the pictures taken. Seriously. It's humanly impossible. I promise that when it's all said and done, you will look like you got stung by a bee because you cried that hard.
Also. Try not to feel like the most selfish person EVER. This too is humanly impossible.
As I sit in the comfort of my air-conditioned home, I am dumbfounded as to why God would choose to let me live such a lavish life while others suffer. I guess only because of His mercy and that I would use what He has given me to help those in need.
I hope that reading these blogs will inspire you to find a way that you can minister to others in need. I know I'm already praying about what God would have me do!

1 comment:

Kristin said...

I remember that trip! Wish I could go back. Makes me miss those days of seeing you more often as well!
I have been following the Compassion trip tool, isn't is aweome to get such a personal description of how God is moving on the other side of the world? Since I was about 10 I have always wanted to go to India, so I guess you could call me a little jealous :)