Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Announcements, Praises, Etcetera & So On & So Forth

Ok, people. I have an announcement. And no, I am not pregnant. I don't know why I always feel the need to state that when I make statments like the one above. I guess in my mind I picture the grandparents' heart rates climbing in excitement and anticipation for the news that we are adding more grandchildren to the mix. Not to mention that we would never tell them by way of my blog. My announcement is also not as exciting as a newborn on the way so I don't want the expectations to be too high. After all, that's what I'm all about. Helping others lower their expectations of me. Just kidding.

So. Back to my announcement. My sister Brittany and I are now blogging together about a little thing I like to call "southern living." In fact, that is part of the name of the new blog. Here's the link:


And yes, I am aware that if you look at this just the right way you may or may not see something resembling the other name for donkey. A big thanks to Britt for pointing that one out. Just know that we are not in the habit of using profanity, and any questionable words you see are purely coincidental. There. I feel so much better after getting that off my chest. Now you can read our blog without feeling like you are compromising your moral values.

And now let's take this opportunity to give Jesus some praise for a few things.

As I've mentioned before, I'm a little addicted to blogstalking. Occasionally I will visit this blog {http://thelukesponbergfoundation.blogspot.com/} which I found through one of my favorites {http://audreycaroline.blogspot.com/}. This family lost their second child, Luke, from SIDS when he was only a few weeks old. As you can imagine, this last year has been filled with grief, hope, and much prayer. That is why I was so thrilled to read this today. He truly does make beauty from ashes!

On a much smaller note but still a praise nonetheless, I finally bought a book on potty training and the ever popular Dare To Discipline by James Dobson.

Dr. Dobson, if you are daring me to discipline in this book then I take your dare! Look out Austin! We're about to work some James Dobson magic on you. :)

And while we're talking about books, let's talk about the potty training books I looked at to read to Austin in preparation of the big transition. I had 2 requirements for the book I would choose and here they are:
  1. That it would be a reasonable price
  2. That it would have a title and story I could read without feeling like an idiot.

Not many of the books met both of these requirements. And let's just say that titles like The Potty Train: Chug-a-chug-a-poo-poo made me question whether or not I was old enough to handle this with maturity. I did not pick that one in case you were wondering. Although I would have LOVED to see Luke's face when I handed him that one to read to Austin at bedtime. If I know my husband, and I think I do, then I'm pretty sure he would've refused to read it. I finally settled on My Big Boy Potty since it was priced right and seemed like it would hold Austin's attention. Oh, sweet Jesus be near! We may not make it through this with our sanity in tact.

But we all know that in times of trouble, Luke and I cling to our sense of humor. SO. I'm thinking about printing out this story and taping it to my bathroom mirror. On second thought, I'll just print off multiple copies and tape them to ALL the bathroom mirrors because I have a feeling that's just the place I will need to be reminded that I'm not the first to potty train a child and I won't be the last. Feel free to copy this idea if you are in the potty training boat as we speak.

And on that note, I'm bidding you farewell, internet friends. I have some cleaning to do. By the way, I'm still wishing for a maid to clean my house on a regular basis. I know. Dare to dream. Dare to dream.

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