Tuesday, July 7, 2009

would someone please play the theme song for the beverly hillbillies

Hello, friends and family!

I've been meaning to share a picture with y'all. I took this on our way home from The Wedding Weekend of '09, which apparently was also The Weekend I Took Pictures Like Some Sort of Private Investigator. There really are no words for the complete chaos I captured on film, but you know me, I have to try.

We had just come out of Whataburger where we stopped for dinner in a desperate attempt to pull Austin out of his cranky mood. My sanity was truly hanging on by a thread. I just happend to look over and see a truck and trailer piled so full of junk that I couldn't believe my eyes! Y'all. I couldn't look away mainly because I was trying to look at every item they had crammed into their vehicle, but also because the organizer in me felt like they had just commited an unspeakable crime.

So without further ado, I give you the modern day version of the Beverly Hillbillies:

What I especially love is how the junk spills over from the bed of the truck onto the hood of the cab. It would also appear that they put a toddler bed at the end of all their stuff like some sort of bookend. You stay classy Man in the Red Truck!

On another note, today has been such a fabulous day because I woke up at 6a super motivated to accomplish a plethora of things around the house. For example, I am completely caught up on laundry right down to the cart cover I busted out during the Swine Flu epidemic that really wasn't an epidemic at all.

Thank you, overly dramatic media.

And I also plan on doing a little reorganizing so we'll see how that goes.

Have a lovely Tuesday!


Unknown said...

You are so funny! That picture is hilarious! I sure am glad I was not on the road next to that truck!

Laney said...

You know those people with the truck were like, "Yes...take that Uhaul!" I have to admit...I am sometimes like the truck man with the dishwasher, I just HAVE to get everything to fit and when I do, I congratulate myself for being the Michael Phelps of dish loading.
Oh and Whataburger?! Man, how good is that?! That place is my crack-burger haven!