Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Get Down, Girl. Go Ahead, Get Down

As I stated before, last weekend was my Granny's 85th birthday celebration. And celebrate we did, but no one celebrated more than her! The festivities began at 12:30 otherwise known as you-know-who's naptime. Here's how thrilled he was that we put him in his carseat while he was cranky...

I'm sure it's no surprise that once we were among family, he was in rare form and ready to party! But this post is not about my son. It's about my Granny. And speaking of, here's the birthday girl with some of her fan club.

This was taken right before MY favorite part of any party...cake time! And her cake was deeeelish! Little did we know that she had a surprise of her own for all of us.

This is my Granny telling my Grandpa to "go get that card." What comes next is quite possibly my favorite moment of 2009 so far.

Here's the card. To our delight, it was a sound card that played the chicken dance song. So to sum things up, my Granny celebrated her 85th birthday by channeling her inner Beyonce. And may I just say that even Beyonce wouldn't be able to keep up with my Granny's moves!

Here she is again, showing Austin how to bring sexy back! I bet you had NO idea that my Granny's birthday would be a dance party. Neither did we. However, we are so glad it was because boy did we have fun watching those two get down with their bad selves!

Here's Austin hanging with his Aunt Bs. That's right. To him, they are both known as "B." And even though this post is not about the little man, I do have to say one thing. Austin busted out some moves at this party that I have NEVER seen before. Clearly, he is fond of entertaining some ladies with a few smooth moves.

Luke and I had a blast with my family. In fact, we had so much fun that we came home, put Austin down for a nap, and crawled into bed ourselves.

Happy Birthday, Granny! We loved celebrating it with you!!

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