Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Bunch of Randomness

Happy Tuesday from Austin...

(How hilarious is this picture?!)
...and Savannah!

Doesn't she look just thrilled to be having her picture taken?! Don't be deceived. She's actually quite fond of being captured on film. I could explain, but I'll just show you instead. Because, after all, a picture is worth a thousand words and there's a whole lotta picture goin' on below. I'll let you see for yourself!

HA! You had NO idea these would also be pregnant pictures, did you?! Double your viewing pleasure and double the fun.
You're welcome.
But anyway.
There in the corner is our Savannah. She just happend to jump in at the last moment. Don't you LOVE her smile? She was pumped about a little brother! Probably because she had no idea that a year later he would be RIDING HER LIKE A PONY!

Oh and here she is again! Surprise. Surprise. And yes, I DID teach her the head tilt technique while posing for pictures. I have to say, she's a quick learner.

Finally, here she is again. Notice her smile. Also. Notice my hair and try not to be jealous. If you're thinking that I look a little tired that's because I WAS!! Forgive me for stating the VERY obvious, but that's a 7 pound baby in there. And while I would love to say that this look disappeared quickly after Austin's birth, I would be lying. I still look tired and a little disheveled most of the time. But make no mistake. I am LOVING life... 24/7!
So you see, Savannah loves to get a piece of the picture taking action around here. And since she really is a pretty dog, we oblige. :)
Now. Did everyone have a happy valentines day? I sure did, and I would be happy to tell you about it. Thank you for asking! Sadly, Luke had to work most of the day. Bummer. But Austin and I made the most of it by going to breakfast with the parents and Claire.
While we waited for the rest of our party to get to IHOP, I took the opportunity to ask little A some deep, theological questions.
Me: Austin, do you love mommy?
Austin: (shakes his head vigourously) NO!
Me: Do you love Gigi?
Austin: (moves head up and down) Mmm. Hmm.
Me: Do you love Papa B?
Austin: (moves head up and down AGAIN!) Mmm. Hmm.
Such a precious, tender time.
This, of course, made my parents' day! To which I said... Happy Birthday, Merry Christmas, Happy Mother's Day and Father's Day. For the rest of your lives.
Just kidding. I am well aware that I am very loved by my son no matter what his favorite word of the day happens to be!
The rest of the day was pretty uneventful despite the fact that Austin did not want to take a nap and would only sleep if I held him. No problem. I grabbed at the chance to catch up on some quality television like The City. After he woke up, I decided to get him ready to go to my parents' house. This was going well until Old Faithful errupted! Yes, you heard right. My son peed on me for the first time since he was born!! I was pretty tired at this point since I'd been in charge of the little man most of the week due to some really long hours Luke had worked. I promply picked up the phone and asked my parents if now would be a good time to come pick him up. Good thing their answer was yes because I was well on my way to a minor meltdown. Not to mention a small pity party about spending most of Valentines Day by myself. But don't cry for me, internet friends. I just needed a little perspective, which is exactly what I got once I had the house to myself for an hour.
Luke and I had a lovely talk when he got home. And by lovely, I really do mean lovely. There's nothing like reconnecting after a long, intense week. We decided to forego the massive V-Day crowds and eat a quiet meal at home. Luke cooked for us...

Are you ready to hear what was served that night? Jalepeno sausage in macaroni and cheese. It was SO good. My Luke can cook us a meal! We were both exhausted so we ate dinner in bed and watched one of our favorite shows...NCIS. Are we getting old or what?! The next day we had lunch at a great Italian restaurant and picked up my gift. (Luke will be getting hubcaps from me. Romantic, I know.) It was so great to spend some quality time with my favorite! Oh and one of the best parts of the evening? Savannah had clean up duty...

The End.


Jon and Brittany said...

LOVE the face little A is making in that picture. He's so darn cute! And Savannah...she should be a canine model. Don't they have those?!

a pair of pettijohns said...

i wish i looked as good from behind as savannah does in that last picture!