Tuesday, September 23, 2008

More Please...

One of the things that we (meaning my whole family) taught Austin is the sign language for "more please." Actually, I think it just means more but we put the please in there to teach the little guy some manners. It never occurred to me until just the other day to capture this with my camera. So I did. Below is the play by play. You'll notice that when Austin "says" more please what he really means is MORE PLEASE RIGHT NOW!

More please, mom!

Maybe you didn't understand. I said MORE PLEASE!

And now that he has his snack, all is right in the world!

So as you can see, patience is something we have yet to work on. I say choose your battles and I think this is one that will have to wait until he's a little older.

In other news Austin is now walking all over the place. I can't believe it! He had been taking a couple of little steps and then crawling, but one day he just decided to walk over to where he wanted to go. I still can't believe how fast he's growing and changing. The other night I MADE myself pack up the rest of his little pants and onesies from last winter. I got so sad and even came downstairs to express my emotional state to Luke. I think he kind of understood. You see, my husband is not quite so upset by change. Good or bad he's stable through it all. I'm the one that provides the excitement of an emotional rollercoaster. I mean, one of us has to do it and it might as well be me! Needless to say, I am officially chasing my son everywhere but loving the sight of him toddling around.

One of the things I love is being able to share these moments with my family. It's amazing how excited a group of people can get about someone walking their way. I guess you could say that this is something we say "more please" to Austin on a regular basis. But to all of you who are not able to see Austin on a daily basis, we miss you terribly and are capturing as much as possible on our video camera. Now if I could just remember to have Luke show me how to send these precious clips out!

I am really loving this season of our lives and trying to savor it all. It is definitely challenging at times and there are days that I wonder why God ever thought I could do it well. Regardless of what I think, the fact that He trusts me with Austin (and Luke too!) is enough to help me through the hard, long days. Plus, what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger, right?! In that case, you can just call me Zena the Warrior Princess. :) Happy Tuesday, everyone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aw too bad he couldn't walk just ONE month earlier and i could have seen it in action! please post video if you figure out how. :) love and miss both you and austin!