It's Thursday. Do you know what that means? Tomorrow is Friday. Can I get a Praise The Lord from somebody?! From here on out that phrase will be referred to as PTL because sometimes I just don't have the energy to type anymore letters than necessary. Pathetic, I know.
But here's the thing, my little man has become quite the talker lately. For the first time IN MY LIFE someone is giving me a run for my money in the Verbal Department. And now I would just like to take this moment to apologize to my family, especially my Mom.
I had no idea how exhausting it is to try to keep up with that many words in a day. What does that have to do with the shortening of phrases like some preteen texting her bestie? Well, sometimes the filter between my brain and my mouth is in working order. Translation: it is possible for me to think before I speak. So whether I'm writing it down or saying it out loud, I've learned to ration my words because I need ALOT to keep up with Austin. Just in case you were wondering, Luke is secretly thrilled that I have less words to use when he gets home.
You're welcome, Sweetie. I'm sure you know who to thank.
And speaking of Luke, he wrote me a note this morning on my side of the mirror in our bathroom. I have never seen I *heart* U written that big. Truly. When I told him how much I loved it, he told me that he wanted to be sure I could read it without my glasses.
He's considerate like that.
On a completely different note, we moved Claire into her dorm a week ago. Let me tell you, I walked into that dorm and the smell brought back all kinds of good memories.
I'm not kidding.
I also don't think I've been in that size room with so many people and STUFF ever. EVER. But by the time we were all done, it looked fabulous! Since we spent the weekend in Dallas we got to have dinner with Claire on our way back to SA. This may or may not be the reason I didn't cry when we left on Thursday afternoon. However. I cried like a big dork the night we got home. And yes, I looked like a supermodel with my red nose and swollen eyes. It's ok if you're a little jealous. I know Luke was. For some reason saying goodbye and watching her walk back into her dorm hit me with the reality that she wouldn't be stopping by after school or coming over for dinner with my parents. And the babysitting wasn't bad either. I'm just sayin'...
She's doing just wonderfully. In fact, we're all a little concerned that she might not come home. Claire, please remember your roots and come grace us with your presence every once in awhile. But I'll tell you whose not going to college anytime soon. PTL! {Don't you feel so honored to know what that means now? I knew you would.} Anyway, Sir Talks Alot will be living under our roof for several years yet. :) In fact, speaking of Motor Mouth, here are some pictures of my FAVORITE little boy.
So grown up in his toddler bed, But this day was a little bittersweet. Where has the time gone?
Reading my In Style. Don't panic, Luke. He has no idea what he's reading, and I'm pretty sure he likes all the pretty girls with impeccable fashion sense.
Eating a cupcake at his birthday party.
Playin' in the purple pool. Thanks, Warshaks, for letting us borrow Emma's pool!
I love this picture of Austin and Emma. Don't let the fact that Austin is mid bite fool you into thinking he's not a picky eater. He is. Hello, Payback, so nice of you to stop by.
And here he is looking underwhelmed by his cupcake "cake."
And now I must bring our time together to a close. I've put off cleaning our bathroom for far too long. Sadly, Luke has not felt the Spirit move in his heart to bust out the soft scrub and tilex. But gosh I love him so I'll let it go.
Happy Almost Weekend Day, friends!!